Sunday 8th December 2019 + Summary

Not going to have chance to study today’s stuff or make any bets – I’ve got to be dragged round the shops by my wife!! Sorry guys, but have a good day’s haul.

Summary for yesterday:

Basically, a thoroughly good day. OBAD hit a profit of 2.30%, Tripler eventually got to 4.14% & Ratchet got me a 3.23% profit.

If only I can get results like this every day! Somewhere near these figures would be good enough for me. I know by reading the other Guru’s pages (I certainly do NOT consider myself a Guru of any shape or size), that a lot of people are making a lot more than I am. However, I am more than content to make small advances every day.

As some bloke called Albert Einstein once said:

” Compound Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World.

He Who Understands It, Earns It … He Who Doesn’t … Pays It.”

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