Tuesday 17th December 2019 + Summary

Only 2 meetings today so not a huge amount of stuff for the HRP software to look at. A 15 runner 1st race with those damn hurdles again. This fills me with nerves! Mercian Prince is at the top of the early betting but not showing as an out & out favourite. Place Odds are not bad so on this one, I am going for a SPLIT.

Race 2 again has jumps but only 8 runners. Strong Glance is a clear favourite for this one so I am going for a WIN.

The last race, which is also the OBAD selection, is a near as dammit 2 mile chase and there isn’t one clear favourite in the early betting. Cockney Beau is showing at 2nd favourite but the odds are quite low, so no major expectation. For this reason, my choice is a SPLIT bet. As always, if I hit my 2.5% target early, I will stop for the day.

The Ratchet is as usual, a 10% of Ban stake, again, stopping if lucky enough, at a 2.5% profit for the day.


After yesterday’s 3rd place in the 1st race, things settled down a bit. Race 2 produced a winner as did Race 3. This meant I had wins on all 3 Systems. Tripler JUST missed my 2.5% target but I’m happy with 2.2%.

ODAB + 1.44%



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