Sunday 8th March 2020 + Summary



14.40 – Naas – Gallant John Joe. Ours has only run twice but had an outstanding win on his last outing. WIN.

15.45 – Naas – Beacon Edge. The one to beat although the odds don’t reflect it. I’m sliding towards a SPLIT on this one. Let’s see what happens in Race 1.

17.10 – Warwick – Your Darling. Well fancied. De Boinville is usually a pain in the ar*e when he’s on other horses. This time, he’s riding ours, so a WIN for me.


See 14.40 above.


I’m still using my previous highest stake due to losses, so let’s get the winnings back up 🙂

Seems a nice day, weather-wise. I just want all our horses to come in as planned and then Man Utd can thrash City and make my day!

Good luck fellas.



14.20 – Hereford – Northofthewall. There were 2 in the early lead for the betting & I went for a WIN. Came 1st & brought in a 3.9% profit. Target hit. No more Tripler bets.


See 14.20 – Hereford above. Target beaten.


Slightly over target after Race 1, but I needed to try & get something back after recent losses, so I went again on Race 2. This won as well, giving me a healthy profit. No more risks so I stopped for the day.

Good day all round and just need a nice run to get things back on track.

2 thoughts on “Sunday 8th March 2020 + Summary

  1. Avatar
    Dr Rob says:

    I started off with a Bank of £100. I then got hold of the official Spreadsheet – see Rewards Store. If you enter all the details into the spreadsheet, it automatically works the stakes out for you and also tells you when to stop.


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