Thursday 6th August 2020 + Summary + New System



13.30 – Leopardstown – Cadillac. Good history. WIN. WITHDRAWN. I think it got scared cos it didn’t want a bad write up on this post.

16.15 – Stratford – Courtandbould. Has attracted a penalty but should still be good enough today. WIN.

16.20 – Ripon – Finely Tuned. BE CAREFUL – Not much time to get the result in before this race starts. Not won to date but looking great for improvement. Not done much wrong. WIN.

20.20 Stratford – Beholden. Jockey is Conor O’Farrell. Frank’s lad. Bound to win with a Man Utd connection  🙂  WIN.



16.15 – Stratford – Courtandbould. Has attracted a penalty but should still be good enough today. WIN.


RATCHET – Instructions For Ratchet: 


NEW SYSTEM – Same principles as Ratchet but with 50% stake and 50% Target. I do this just for fun.

13.00 – Leopardstown – Meala.

13.3.- Leopardstown – Cadillac.

15.00 Leopardstown – Nickajack Cave.

16.15 – Stratford – Courtandbould.




Another really good day, hitting target on all 3 major systems. My new system came out OK, but suffered a hit in Race 3. Didn’t matter as I hit my target on Race 2. Can we please have every day like this.


13.15 – Newton Abbot – Templepark. Jockey is Max Hendrick. Mmmmm, that’s nice Max. A previous C & D winner. WIN. RESULT – 1st. Job Done. Target Hit. No more Tripler bets for me today.

13.45 – Newton Abbot – Hiconic. Came 1st last time out & has experience against other newcomers. Tending to go for a Win, but will wait to see what a Split will do depending on the result of Race 1. WAIT. RESULT – 1st.

16.55 – Newton Abbot – Ultimate Getaway. The one to beat,despite receiving penalties. Bugger it; WIN. RESULT – 2nd. Doh!!!

I stopped after Race 1 as I didn’t want to tempt fate. I had hit my target and I’m not greedy.



13.45 – Newton Abbot – Hiconic. I decided to go for the WIN. RESULT – 1st. Target Hit.


RATCHET – RESULT. No bet on Race 1 as the odds were too low. Race 2 won and hit my target for the day.



13.15 – Newton Abbot – Templepark. RESULT – 1st.

13.45 – Newton Abbot – Hiconic. RESULT – 1st.

14.10 – Ayr – Tommy Tittlemouse. RESULT – 5th. Rubbish.

16.45 – Sligo – Arthurian Fame. RESULT – 3rd.

Race 3 buggered things up but I had hit may target and stopped betting after Race 2.

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