11th November 2020 + Summary + Doc’s Fav Goldmine

Firstly, a thanks that can never be big enough for all the fallen Service personnel who never came home. “We Will Remember Them.”

House Notes: Be careful if races start close to each other. You may not get the results of the race you placed a bet on before the next race starts, so do try to either watch a Live Feed of the race, or “watch” the race in real time at Betfair.


My new system, Doc’s Fav Goldmine, is showing plenty of promise and I have had several winners on the spin. I am only using small stakes but the signs are very promising.





13.20 – Bangor-on-Dee – Stormy Ireland. Harry H Corbett rides ours. WIN.

15.25 – Ayr – Ordered Lives. Depends on result of Race 1. Edging for a win put may end up with a split. WAIT.

16.05 – Bangor-on-Dee – Legends Ryde. Got battered in its’ last outing, but way too much was expected. This race is much more realistic. WIN.



16.05 – Bangor-on-Dee – Legends Ryde. See above.


RATCHETInstructions for use: http://bit.ly/35tpfR3


DOC’S FAV GOLDMINE – All selections are in the PLACE market, unless otherwise stated. Stop at a profit of 2.5% per day.

13.20 – Bangor – Stormy Ireland.

14.28 – Bangor – Pyramid Place.

15.00 – Bangor – Easy As That.

15.10 – Exeter – Fiddlerontheroof.




Target Hit on Race 1 Tripler and OBAD. Same for Ratchet and once more, my Fav Goldmine hit target on Race 1. I stopped betting after Race 1 which was a good job! I think in the future, I will steer well clear of selecting a horse in the Win market. The “Dead Cert” in Race 3 really did balls things up!



12.15 – Huntingdon – Marada. Won 3 weeks ago and a huge favourite . WIN. RESULT – 1st.

12.53 – Lingfield – Restandbethankful. Won last time out, 3 weeks ago. A good rest and will have picked up some excellent experience. WIN. RESULT – 2nd.

15.07 – Hereford – Dolcita. Only 3 runners and will need to make a total balls up not to win. WIN. RESULT – 2nd.



12.15 – Huntingdon – Marada. RESULT – 1st.


RATCHET – RESULTS – 1st & 2nnd. No Place Market in Race 3 as there were only 3 runners. 


DOC’S FAV GOLDMINE – All selections are in the PLACE market, unless otherwise stated. Stop at a profit of 2.5% per day.

13.30 – Fairyhouse – Billaway. RESULT – 2nd.

15.07 – Hereford – Dolcita – WIN. RESULT – 2nd.

16.05 – Fairyhouse – Split The Bucket. RESULT – 2nd.

5 thoughts on “11th November 2020 + Summary + Doc’s Fav Goldmine

  1. Avatar
    StuartBradley says:

    Hello Dr Rob, I’m trying to understand exactly what it is you are doing and how you are staking your approach. It’s difficult to get an idea of where your profits are coming from unless I know how you are staking your selections. Firstly you are doing the OBAD presumably in the WIN market and also some Tripler Win selections, in addition to a Tripler Place ratchet? What staking system are you using for the OBAD and the Tripler Win selections? Are they part of their own individual strategies (ie a OBAD ongoing strategy using Platinum for example) or are you combining them into one staking plan? Also your own Fav Goldmine place selections – how are you staking them? As you are looking at the tripler, do you have much in the way of historical selection data? I have data back to the end of September, but nothing before that. Do you have any selection data and / or selection+results data that you are willing to share so that I may build a more comprehensive picture of the performance? Thanks

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    Dr Rob says:

    Wow – I’ll do my best but a lot of questions at once. Basically, I use the automated staking spreadsheet which can be obtained on the Home Page. It works out your stakes, both for a Win selection and a Split selection. If it’s a Split selection, you can use the spreadsheet to vary the actual split – either 1-3, 2-2 or 3-1. I quite often use it to see whether or not a less risky Split strategy would still hit my 2.5% target. (You can set your own target on the spreadsheet.) Once your target is hit, the automated spreadsheet tells you and you can’t use it tocarry on.
    I use the Platinum Staking Plan on Tripler and with OBAD, I see if I can hit target with a less risky Split bet. Again, I use the automated spreadsheet to work everything out.
    Cheers, Doc.

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    StuartBradley says:

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I understamd what Platinum staking is and what the sheet does. I was more asking what staking it is that you use and you have confrimed Platinum. Thank you. The next question is ‘do you operate OBAD in a separate sheet to the Tripler Win bets or do you group these bets into one strategy?’ You have said that you do the Tripler as a place ratchet, but the Doc’s Fav Goldmine is separate to that I understand, so are you using that as a separate strategy or grouping it with any of the other strategies? Lastly, do you have any historic Tripler selection data that you would share? I’m happy with just the advertised selections as I can grab the results / odds myself if need be. Thanks, Stuart

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    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Stuart. I have 3 totally separate “Systems”. Which is why sometimes, you may see I hit target on one and not another.

    My Fav Goldmine is a totally separate system I started only recently. I stick to the Place Market only on this system. I stake 10% of my Fav Goldmine Bank & if I lose, rather than 10% of the reduced Bank as a stake, I stick with the last losing stake. If I win but don’t hit target, I carry on to the next race with a stake of 10% of the new, increased Bank.

    Apologies; I don’t have any historic records. I do have some for the Fav Goldmine, as this is based on my own selections, although they only go back 10 days or so.

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      StuartBradley says:

      Thanks for your clarification. It’s the Tripler that I was looking for historical data for as the data I have since end of September does not make the full version of the Tripler Place Ratchet strategy look to be worthwhile (not a judgement on the way you play it). Happy to share the data that I have if this comment is an issue for anyone and it is always possible that I have made a mistake. Best, Stuart

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