Friday 14th August 2020 + Summary + New System


Today’s ratings are somewhat better than yesterday’s, so my expectations of a rapid return to loads of “Job Done”, “Target Hit” are greatly increased.



14.00 – Curragh – Frenetic. Roy Keane rides ours, so other jockeys beware!! WIN.

16.45 – Tramore – Easy Game. Our old mate from The Who, Pete Townsend is on board our choice. Close at the top, but Pete uses a Fender Stratocaster rather than a whip. WIN.

17.25 – Lingfield – Cristal Pallas Cat. If we are still betting at this stage, I will be going for another WIN.



16.45 – Tramore – Easy Game. See above.


RATCHET – Instructions For Ratchet: 


NEW SYSTEM – Same principle as Ratchet but with half the stake and a target of half that of Ratchet. I do this for fun.

14.00 – Curragh – Frenetic.

15.00 – Curragh – Armory.

16.45 – Tramore – Easy Game.

17.25 – Lingfield – Cristal Pallas Cat.





When I saw the odds on offer, I wasn’t particularly optimistic about today. My fears were proved right with an overall loss for the day, but not enough to make me cry bucket loads,especially after the last week or so’s results.


14.20 – Salisbury – Award Scheme. A step up in class for our selection but showed plenty of power in its’ last outing. Place Odds look decent. SPLIT. RESULT – 2nd. Tiny profit so on to Race 2.

17.00 – Bath – Professor Gallant. 5th out of 14 on last run but showed tremendous potential. Thinking of a win; more than likely SPLIT. RESULT – 3rd. I went for a split but as the pleb finished 3rd, I lost. All on Race 3.

17.10 – Tramore – Elegant Dan. Yet again, I will be looking at a SPLIT as there are no head and shoulders obvious favourites. RESULT – 2nd. Caught up a bit but overall small loss for the day.



14.20 – Salisbury – Award Scheme. As Above.


RATCHET – RESULT: Race 1 came 2nd, so a small win, but enough to hit target. No more Ratchet for me today.



14.20 – Salisbury – Award Scheme. RESULT – 2nd.

15.30 – Leopardstown – Dawn Patrol.RESULT – 3rd.

18.45 – Tramore – Chead Solas. RESULT – 5th RUBBISH.

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