Friday 21st February 2020

I haven’t done any betting for a few days because this awful weather made a mockery of the situation. However, I have had a look at the forecasts for both courses and they are both dry with light winds. So, let’s get back to winning ways!



13.25 – Warwick – Lieutenant Rocco. I used to work at Royal Mail with Mark “Rollerball” Rocco’s son, Jon. So I’m going for a WIN.

14.00 – Warwick – Grand Roi. WIN.

16.50 – Exeter – Martha Brae. WIN.


See 16.50 above.


10% Bank Stake. Need to try & recoup the losses I received, which I blame on the weather. If you want to, you can calculate things to see if a Split Bet will achieve you target.

Good luck chaps and chapesses.

3 thoughts on “Friday 21st February 2020

  1. Avatar
    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Steve. I just dust myself down, start again and let the software do its’ magic. My losses, I am 99% sure, came because of the dreadful weather, which meant betting became a lottery.

  2. Avatar
    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Steve. I don’t dwell on my losses. Hard to take, I know. When I get to a 7 point loser, the software available from Gav automatically resets to the 3 point minimum. It’s just a process of building things back up again. (To start again, you may want to look to see if a Split Bet would still hit your target, thus decreasing your chances of another loss.)
    Thanks again.

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