Friday 3rd January 2020 + Summary


OBAD – 15.55 Hereford – Getaway Totherock. Undecided. After the recent OBAD results, probably a SPLIT

15.10 Wolverhampton – Rock On Baileys. SPLIT

15.55 Hereford – Getaway Totherock. Undecided. Wait for result of Race 1

17.30 Dundalk – Phoenix Open. WIN

These are initial thoughts & will probably change depending on prior results.



I made a complete balls up of yesterday’s betting.

Race 1, Sao Maxence came in 2nd. I did a Split on this & because of the odds, I made a 2% profit. I SHOULD HAVE STUCK TO MY OWN RULE & STOPPED for the day. (Because of recent results, I said I was still aiming for 2.5% but would stop anywhere over 2.0%.) I got greedy & went fora Split on Race 2, Dreaming Away. It came 2nd but lost a tiny bit but still just under 2% for the day. Like a complete tool, I went again on Race 3 with a Split. The horse was Odds On Oli.

I should have taken note from Ole’s woeful performance last night against Arsenal. Not only was it the FAVOURITE, but was beaten into TWELFTH PLACE!!! The winning odds for the other nags were: 5/1, 8/1, 14/1, 12/1, 14/1, 5/1, 25/1, 14/1, 50/1, 8/1 & 50/1. How on God’s Green Earth can a favourite get beaten by horses with odds like those? I just cannot understand it at all. It lost me a bit but taught me NOT TO BE GREEDY! Will I ever learn??

The OBAD selection – Dreaming Away came 2nd. I went for a win so lost yet again on OBAD.

Tripler was my own fault because I was greedy. (But then again, I just can’t get over the fact that it got drubbed. Akin to Port Vale beating Liverpool at Anfield 4 – 0.)

Ratchet brought me the only good bit of news. Because the odds were quite high, it came 2nd & brought me a 9.4% profit. But then again, the Starting Banks on Ratchet & OBAD were a lot lower than Tripler, so although a hefty % profit, it came nowhere near to reducing my losses.


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