Monday 13th July 202 + Summary

I’m sorry I couldn’t post today’s selections. I was out until 3AM & didn’t get up until mid day.. We caught the cat & the little bugger showed more speed than some of my selections & got out of the cat trap! Try again tonight.

I thought I would still post yesterday’s summary.


YESTERDAY’S SUMMARY  A pretty good day yesterday.


12.30 – Lingfield – Lockdown. A really good horse as an opponent making its’ debut. So I’m taking no chances. SPLIT. RESULT – 3rd. Split meant a small loss. On to Race 2.

13.00 – Lingfield – Army Of India. WIN. RESULT – 1st. Target Hit. Job Done. No more Tripler betting today.

13.20 – Hamilton – Twilight Prince. Diddy David Hamilton is riding at Hamilton! Got to be a WIN. RESULT – 7th. Good job no more bets. This bugger’s still parading!


13.00 – Lingfield – Army Of India. WIN. RESULT – 1st. Target Hit.

RATCHET – Same principles as always.RESULT – Target Hit.

NEW SYSTEM – Same principles as Ratchet, but maybe lower stake & lower target.

12.15 – Hamilton – Source Of Wealth.

13.20 – Hamilton – Twilight Prince

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