Monday 30th December 2019

No betting for me yesterday as I was laid up with the “Swirlies.” Let’s have a go for today, but as ALWAYS, I will stop whenever I hit a profit of 2.5% for the day. I hate losing so I don’t risk my winnings to try to get a bit more. I would love bigger wins but greed is a betting person’s nightmare.

12.45 Taunton. Zoffee – WIN

12.55 Haydock Cloudy Glen. Only 2 runners so a Split is a no go. Therefore, WIN.

12.25 Taunton Deja Vu. Early odds look great for a Place so a SPLIT for me.

Please note: As above, if I hit 2.5% profit, I STOP. You may carry on but you may also have to change your strategy depending on the result of the previous day.

Ratchet – No bet on the 2nd race as there are only 2 runners, but a 10% Bank Stake for a Place on the others. I STOP if I hit 2.5% for the day.

Good luck guys.


3 thoughts on “Monday 30th December 2019

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    LeeBryant872 says:

    Hey Dr Rob thanks for sharing your method I’m new to HRP but like you have been stung by other systems in the past and struggled to find ways of earning passive income. Anyway your system looks good, just wondering how you determine between a Win and a Place do you have a certain % number or score you look for? Thanks again, Lee

  2. Avatar
    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Lee. I don’t have a set guideline. I’m no Horse racing person so what I do is look at the odds on Betfair when I sit down in the morning. (About 10 AM.) I use Gav’s superb spreadsheet and enter the details, including the odds. I have a play around with the result options and if I can hit my 2.5% target with a Split bet, I do that. If it wins, I get my target. If it places, I usually make a small profit or a small loss. (Much better than making a big loss if it doesn’t win & I have gone for a Win bet.) I then wait for the result & again, mess around with Gav’s spreadsheet to see the least risky way of hitting 2.5%. Whenever I do, I STOP for the day.
    Gav’s spreadsheet can be found by clicking HRP Reward Store top left of the page.
    Have a great New Year, Rob.

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