Sunday 12th July 2020 + New System

Morning everyone.

I would like to apologise for not posting anything for the last couple of days. I said I was taking a cat to the vets? We’ve looked after this stray for 5 months, even buying a rabbit hutch for it to keep warm & dry in the front garden. Lockdown prevented us going to the vets & when I eventually got there on Friday morning, the little bugger did a runner! I was out until 2.30AM trying to find it & have been back 6 times today. (Well, Saturday.)

We have helpers so I can have a rest for a bit today!



12.30 – Lingfield – Lockdown. A really good horse as an opponent making its’ debut. So I’m taking no chances. SPLIT.

13.00 – Lingfield – Army Of India. WIN.

13.20 – Hamilton – Twilight Prince. Diddy David Hamilton is riding at Hamilton! Got to be a WIN.


13.00 – Lingfield – Army Of India. WIN.

RATCHET – Same principles as always.

NEW SYSTEM – Same principles as Ratchet, but maybe lower stake & lower target.

12.15 – Hamilton – Source Of Wealth.

13.20 – Hamilton – Twilight Prince

2 thoughts on “Sunday 12th July 2020 + New System

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    Dr Rob says:

    Thanks Melissa.

    We have already got 4 strays – all black. The oldest we’ve had 11 years. We’ve also got 2 Rescue Dogs! Keeps you busy & we were In Bolton again at 6.00AM as someone said they had seen the missing stray.

    We have plenty of good friends who are helping soI can now concentrate a bit on my betting! 🙂

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