Sunday 15th December 2019 + Summary

I’ve got to keep this quick today – my wife & I have to go & save a dog from being put to sleep & we’ve only got a couple of hours. I’m not sure if I will have chance to put any bets on but….

Looking at all 3 selections for today, they are all well fancied and are all at the top of the betting. If I were able to do any bets today, I would go for a WIN on all 3.

Regarding the TRIPLER RATCHET, I am not sure if I would do any today. The 3 horses are all so well fancied that the Place odds at the moment are so low they outweigh any risk of losing the 10% Stake. I will leave this to you to decide.


Great day. Botox Has in Race 1 won and it was also the 1st selection on TRIPLER. Because of the points I staked & the odds I got, I hit my target on the very first race. No more betting on Tripler for me today & OBAD done & dusted. It also meant I won on the RATCHET system but didn’t hit my target. I went to Race 2 & yet again was successful.

OBAD + 4.43%

TRIPLER + 5.55%

RATCHET + 2.51%

** When I say my percentage profit, I mean the profit for the DAY looking at my betting bank at the end of the day compared to the start of the day. Sure as Hell beats the 0.01% a YEAR the Halifax are giving me on my Non Savings!

Good luck guys.

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