Thursday 16th January 2020 + Summary



12.50 – Ludlow – Moon Of Baroda. 2 mile hurdle with 12 runners. Ours isn’t the favourite but is up there. Beware of Hijack (N de Boinville cos I’ve heard of him.) SPLIT.

13.50 – Ludlow – Gosheven. Favourite but a chequered past. Odds not too bad on the Place market. Probably SPLIT.

15.30 – Ludlow – Alcala. 3 mile chase. (I presume that means a flat race with nothing to jump over & thus jeopardise our chances of finishing.) WIN

Please Note: All my selections are based on initial thoughts. My follow up bet – if one is required – is ALWAYS based on the result of the race just finished. This means that my 2nd & 3rd choices can differ. Please don’t blindly follow my initial thoughts as they will probably change after Race 1. Just do a bit of messing around with “What If’s.”


See 12.50 Ludlow above.


My “new” theory of seeing if a 5% Bank Stake would bring a 2.5% return proved profitable yesterday. I’m going to try it again today. I know I could win more with a 10% stake, but if I can hit my 2.5% target with a smaller stake, to me, that means less risk for a profitable outcome. Fingers crossed.


Not a bad day really. A loss on OBAD was offset by good wins on Tripler & Ratchet.

TRIPLER – Race 1 – 12.30 – Punchestown – Instant Return. 2nd Favourite in a 2 mile hurdle. SPLIT. The horse won, gave me a 5.6% profit so no more betting on Tripler for me.

RATCHET – I calculated that using a 5% bank Stake, if the horse placed, I would hit my 2.5% target. Instant Return in the 1st race did just that; it gave me an instant return of exactly 2.5%. No more Ratchet betting for me. I Like the no risk attitude.


6/5 Favourite and as has frequently happened recently, didn’t have the strength to finish the job off. The 1st 2 horses were 10/1 & 16/1. I think ours just entered to make up the numbers. Loss

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