Thursday 2nd January 2020 + Summary


Straightforward today.

13.35. Ayr. Sao Maxence – SPLIT

13.50. Lingfield. Dreaming Away – WIN

16.00. Chelmsford. Odds On Oli – SPLIT

These may change, depending on results but are my initial choices. Stop at 2.5% profit for the day but after recent results, any profit over 2.0% and I will stop betting for the day rather than tale a risk for the sake of 0.5%.

RATCHET – As always is a 10% stake of the ongoing Bank with a stop at 2.5%. (Or over 2.0% if it happens.)


What have I done to upset the Racing Gods? Our 1st selection, Champ in the 13.25 at Cheltenham chased the leaders & then took the lead. It was easily winning by 4 lengths with 2 jumps to go. The damn thing only went & fell! I’ve heard of the jockey – B J Gerraghty – so he must be an experienced guy if I’ve heard of him. But to lead a race with no-one near you only to fall must be down to the jockey. God knows why he wasn’t concentrating but there’s no way a horse with such a lead should fall. Imagine a 4 x 400 metres relay. One team completes 3 laps & is winning by 80 metres. No challenge. No problem. Dead easy. A stroll to the winning line. Except they drop the baton – under no pressure whatsoever. That’s what it felt like to me in that it completely ruined my whole day’s betting. All because of one stupid mistake. If I was the owner, I would never employ this guy again as it showed a total lack of professionalism in allowing such a crass mistake to take place.

The rest of the day, instead of a lovely Job Done on Race 1, became a day of catch up. It blew OBAD AND Tripler AND Ratchet. The selection – a Win – for the 2nd race was easily beaten by a 3/1 horse. As a non horse racing guy, I cannot understand why such fancied horses do not have the stamina to finish the race off. Unbelievable. The selection for Race 3 at least came in, but made nowhere near enough to make up the 2 earlier losses.

On the Ratchet, because of the disaster in Race 1, I was on a loser. Race 2 at least brought a small profit and because the odds were so low on the Place for Race 3, bearing in mind the disaster in Race 1, I didn’t even risk a bet.

A disaster of a day, brought on by one stupid error.

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