Tuesday 10th December 2019 + Summary


13.40 Uttoxeter – Bullionaire. HRP 70. A 2 mile hurdle (Doh!!!) but way, way out in the early markets. My Choice – WIN.

14.10 Uttoxeter – With Direction. HRP 50. Only 4 runners & no damn jumps thank God. It is favourite but not my much. I have heard of this jockey so I think he will do well. My Choice – WIN.

14.30 Fontwell – Eyes Right. HRP 50. Another sodding 2 mile hurdle! Oh well… This selection is one of 2 at the top of the early betting charts Pop Pickers. Jockey is Tom Cannon which I suppose, is better than having Bobby Ball on board.I will hedge my options on this until I know the results of the 1st 2 races. Initially thinking of a SPLIT. My Choice – WAIT for Races 1 & 2.


13.40. Uttoxeter – Bullionaire. See OBAD above.


Straight 10% as always. Up to you if you do all 3 but I stop as & when & if I hit 2.5% Target.


What a bobbins day for me! Story of Light didn’t have the power to finish & ended up 2nd. I chose WIN so I lost on that one. Building Bridges had a bridge collapse. Poor architect I suppose. The bugger fell. Just like Mary Decker. I guess it ended up crying in the stables. Lexington Dash; because of the previous results, on the Tripler, I went for a WIN. It came 4th. Basically, it should have gone to Specsavers.

I ended up losing on all 3 Systems so a day to stick my head in the toilet. But, these things happen. We are dealing with animals (& I include the jockeys in that!) so we can never be 100% certain. All we can do is follow the software, interpret it the way we are happy with and carry on.

I lost a fair bit yesterday which initially, drove me nuts. But slowly it sank in that it wasn’t my money I had lost, it was someone else’s as it was money I had already won. That stopped me from booting a cat.

Hope for better luck today.

4 thoughts on “Tuesday 10th December 2019 + Summary

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    DavidJones861 says:

    Hi Rob, my timing of using 10% rachet could not of been much worse, what’s the recovery plan with staking the place system? As its looking like a slow burn to get back. Also with back testing was last December and Jan etc good for the rachet? thanks

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    Dr Rob says:

    Dave. I only started the Ratchet system a couple of months ago. I have just carried on using 10% of whatever my Bank is. I know it’s a slow recovery process because just 1 loss sets you back a tidy sum. However, my “Main” system is Tripler. I only started Ratchet “for fun” with a small bank. It keeps ticking over so I am enjoying myself with it. The HRP guys are supplying us with horses to win, so they must have a really good chance of placing.
    My worst was last month when over 2 days, not one of the 3 selections placed. That meant 6 x 10% Bank Stakes lost. I have recovered & am above the figure again.
    Just go for 2.5% a day. I do. Then I stop if I hit the target.

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    DavidJones861 says:

    Ok great, thanks Rob. Thinking about starting the tripler will have a Re read of this platinum staking plan and try to get to grips with it. Does the bank have to be dived by 100 or can I do 50? as to increase the profit process a bit faster.

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    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Dave. I suppose you could start with a 50 point bank. It depends how much money you are setting aside for your betting. I am really clueless as to Horse Racing betting so I just followed what the HRP guys suggested. But I started with a small bank and wanted to start with as little risk as possible.

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