Tuesday 3rd December 2019 + Summary


Just to put our strategy/ies into perspective: Yesterday I received a message from my Bank saying they were reducing the interest rates on certain accounts (I don’t have enough money to have Savings Accounts) to 0.01%. One TENTH of ONE PERCENT a year!! This should really illustrate that making a small profit a day is far better than leaving your money with these greedy b****rds who just seem to reward themselves with massive pay rises & share options. I am quite happy to make 2.5% a day. Then, the magic of compounding starts to work.

Today’s Bets – Monday 2nd December 2019


14.35 Southwell Boss Man Fred HRP Score 68                  Only 5 runners but damn jumps again! Boss Man Fred is the clear favourite but has a good challenger in Midnight Chill, although the challenger has not had a jump race before.

My choice – WIN


13.15 Lingfield Early Morning Rain HRP Score 52             2 clear favourites with our choice way out in front.

My choice – Win

14.35 Southwell Boss Man Fred See OBAD above

My choice – Win

19.15 Wolverhampton Ember’s Choice HRP Score 50     A much closer race with our choice favourite & 2 fairly close behind. I’m going to wait for the results of the 1st 2 races before deciding on win or split. If we go to the 3rd race, I will calculate the effects of a win & a place & make my decision. It’s a flat race so I may be tempted to go for a win but will see.

My choice – Wait for results of Races 1 & 2



Same procedure as always: 10% of Bank for each selection. I know some of you guys put all the bets on at the same time. Personally, I wait for the result of the 1st race before either hitting my target & stopping for the day or continue to the next race to try & get my 2.5%.

Good luck.


Summary – Monday 2nd December 2019


13.00 Plumpton Lisp My choice – WIN 

Only 5 runners & no jumps to ruin things. Lisp won with ease so that’s a nice OBAD win. Only a small profit but better than a kick up the bum.


12.30 Plumpton Bean In Trouble My choice – WIN

Had a strong run but made a couple of mistakes. Finished strongly but beaten by an 11/1 hoofer. Loss.

13.00 Plumpton Lisp My choice – WIN

Increased my stake as per Platinum Staking Plan. Lisp won with ease. Pulled back some of my loss on the 1st race.

14.00 Plumpton Neff My choice – Wait for the outcomes of 1st 2 races. Probably WIN

Because Race 1 lost and I was still behind after Race 2, I decided to go for a Split bet. If the horse had won, I would have come up trumps on both the Win AND the Place elements with a Job Done. As it was, it had a strong race and being German, it didn’t give up. However, it was eventually beaten by the favourite. It gave me a small win but it saved a fairly larger loss if I had gone for the WIN.


The selection for Race 1 came 2nd and the selection for Race 2 won. Added together, I hit a profit of 2.72% so I stopped for the day. I’m not a risk taker but if I had carried on, (which I have made a conscious decision NOT to,) I would have had a larger profit. 2.72% is OK by me.

An overall small loss for the day.

7 thoughts on “Tuesday 3rd December 2019 + Summary

  1. Avatar
    DavidJones861 says:

    Hi DR.Rob, I’m looking at the Favs Goldmine also and thinking of placing the favs at 5% of a bank, that are with a Gap 3 and over 1.20 DVI, do you have experience with this also? and would you consider adding to your daily selections? Thanks

  2. Avatar
    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Martin. It’s entirely up to you. I have a Starting Bank for the day on each System – OBAD, Tripler & Ratchet. I use the same POINT VALUE for each bet PER SYSTEM. (My banks are different for each system, so the stakes are different.) If you have a winning race, you can add the winnings to your Bank & base that for your next stake.
    I stick RIGIDLY to the point stake per System for the day & only alter it the next day. eg my point value may be £5 but depending on the race outcome, the NUMBER of points on the next race may change, but will have the same value per point of £5.
    Hope that helps.

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    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Dave. I know this isn’t what you are hoping for, but in all honesty, I haven’t got the faintest idea what you are saying 🙂 Because I know absolutely sod all about betting/horses, I just stick with OBAD, Tripler & Tripler Ratchet & go with the selections the HRP Software has chosen.

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    DavidJones861 says:

    That’s Ok DR.Rob no worries, I appreciate your honestly and your humour 🙂 Can you please explain the platinum staking plan starting with say £1000 bank, do you divide it by 50, 75 or 100? And what’s the maximum stake we would go up to? in the case of a losing run as it seems to depend on the odds of the next bet on wether we increase the stake or not. I’m trying to get this staking plan clear as possible. Thanks again.

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    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Dave.
    It’s easier to look at this page: http://bit.ly/33LvfUv
    If you can, PLEASE try to get hold of Gav’s calculator. It really is fabulous. It works everything out, even down to the stake amount. It lets you “play around” with the forecast results. Such as, what would the outcome be if the horse won, or if you did a Split bet, what the outcome would be if it won & if it just placed.
    Either try to contact Gav or look at the HRP Rewards Store top left of the page.

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