Wednesday 11th December 2019 + Summary

All three selections have high scores on HRP and are right at the top in the early betting. The only one not right at the front is Miah Grace in the 1st race at Hexham. However, the software has decided it is the best so today, I am going for a WIN on all 3 races. Hopefully, I will hit my target on all 3 systems with as few butterflies as possible.


Bullionaire in the first race hit my target for both Tripler & OBAD systems. I love it when the 1st race on Tripler is also the OBAD & it wins. It didn’t quite hit target on the Ratchet system but then With Direction in the 2nd race placed, so I ended up hitting target on all 3 systems/

OBAD + 2.6%

TRIPLER + 3.86%

RATCHET + 4.44%

“Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?”

7 thoughts on “Wednesday 11th December 2019 + Summary

  1. Avatar
    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Zoran. All I do is look at the race on Betfair, click on the Place market on the left & see what the odds are for the selection. Over 1.2 is fine. If it’s under by quite a bit, I have to weigh up the risks. ie. If it’s a jump race, it makes me nervous, but the choice is yours.

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    ryszard says:

    Hi Dr Rob, I have been following your column for the last couple of weeks and have been doing OBAD+ Tripler in a continuous series targeting 2.5% or better, then recalibrating point value when hit and adhering to staking plan as per instructions under OBAD tab. Everything has been
    going quite well until the 9th Dec when I find myself 3+4+5 = 12 points down and thus contemplating 6pts to be placed on Bullionaire on the 1st race on 10th Dec which I did at 1.49 thus recovering just under 3pts but NOT achieving 2.5% TARGET then losing 6pts on race 2 and then 7pts on race 3 !! and therefore requiring to reset to 3pts on the 1st race today (12th Dec ) After that lengthy pre amble my question is how did you achieve 3.86% target on TRIPLER after Bullionaire when you had sustained 12pts loss the day before if you using platinium staking plan ?

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    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Ryszard. Just to clarify – On 9th December, I too lost on all 3 races. When I calculate the stake on my next bet, I do so using may bank amount at the start of the day; I don’t go back to the starting bank on the losing day.
    On the losing day, my “points” were 3, 4 & then 5 on the 3rd race. All 3 races lost. My next stake – based on the new, lower Bank, was 6 points. The odds I got were 1.49. Bullionaire won, so I hit the target on the start bank for the day. Hope this is OK?

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    ryszard says:

    Hi Rob, thanks for clarifying your interpretation of the platinium staking plan, It seems that you will not recalibrate a pt value during a tripler progression during the day if the target is hit to go on any further races that day with a new target set up, you just stop for the day and start at the beginning of the new tripler sequence the next day with a new target. If you get to the end of the day and only achieved PARTIALLY your 2.5% target, do you reset your pt value
    the next day according to what is in the bank the next day? or carry on with your original pt value until target is COMPLETLY reached or exceeded 2.5% ? It seems your system differs from Gavs illustration of the staking system as shown in DAILY USE tab with his COUPES and probably less aggresive and less riskier !! ( which is the way I have been doing it and hence become a megger cropper!! )

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    Dr Rob says:

    Hi Rys. I use Gav’s awesome Spreadsheet/Calculator which works everything out for me. It doesn’t re-calibrate after each race; it uses the same Point Value for each of the 3 races. At the end of the day’s betting, whether I have achieved my target or lost, the new Bank amount is used and the software picks it up and sets the Point Value for each bet. Also, if you win or lose arace, the software automatically works out how many points to stake on the next bet.
    I can’t recommend it highly enough. It is a million times better than manually doing all the calculations. (Please see HRP Reward Store at the top left of the main page.)

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