Our Service Takes Integrity To A Higher Level


Many of you have written to us and asked if we can hold our superb discount code offer (maximum £100 discount) until the end of the month or so.


We have decided to do just that!


You asked for more time your investment in ‘3 steps to making a living from successful betting’ with us, to fit in with payday cycles and importantly, ensure you can get in at the start of our £250 to £2,500 In One Month C20 campaign.


So, tomorrow we will write to you with details and the new extension date.


All codes will be randomly reissued, so please do look out for your email to find out what your discount award is!.


By the end of July all of you who qualify could be up to £2,500 better off with our new C20 campaign as you begin to take the ‘3 simple steps to a successful living (or very decent 2nd income) with successful betting.


Just CLICK HERE for more details


Join us and be part of this superb opportunity to transform your financial fortunes!



Don’t Forget:


We are a live and kicking 24/7/365 service – not an anonymous product pdf. presented by anonymous people who you never see again after purchase.

We are here to help you everyday, and at whatever level of experience you bring to the table.


So, if you are interested in making a living (or a very decent second income) here are the 3-Steps:

  1. Join and follow along with our easy-to-use manual betting systems (Lieutenant K, Gav and Doctor Rob run multiple systems each day in the members lounge and forum areas). These are fully supported and guided methods of profitable betting.
  2. If you like the idea of our unique Bet Automation software, then spend an hour with our tutorials on how to copy and paste our site bets, then load them onto the automation software for additional profit campaigns (full instructions in forum and member area tutorial)
  3. Click a button once and install our fully automated systems onto your computer – there is no more to do at that point (Full download and installations buttons available as a total ‘one-click’)


If you follow our step-by-step plan – in a few short weeks, you could be well on the road to adding a tax-free £70,000 or more income to your family and lifestyle.


Isn’t that worth doing?


Our unique daily profit service is year round and not seasonal.. in fact, it is now 24/7 to suit any personal circumstances.


We give full system details and resources for all our proven, tried and trusted betting methods.


Don’t forget, each day we show you the exact bets, the exact stakes and the results – which will demonstrate beyond doubt that anyone who can read this email can achieve our ‘3-step’ system to financial security. 


Just CLICK HERE for more details.